Neck Down Sleeves


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Neck Down Sleeves

These sleeves are available in open, blind & Direct pour types & range in sizes from 1”dia to 7” dia for open & 40mm to 80mm in dia for blind sleeves Direct pour sleeves are available in 40,50,60,70 & 90 mm dia with foam filters.


1. Highly insulating nature of materials used ensures no initial chilling of metal in the sleeves.

2. High MEF – up to 1.45

3. Application of these sleeves reduces the cost of casting by way of reducing rejections & also reducing the riser sizes required.

4. High feeding efficiency.

Bulk Density 0.5 to 0.6 g/cc
Permeability AFS 25 - 40
Compression Strength Min. 5.5 kg/cm2
Moisture at the time of packing 1% max.

Technical data sheets will be available on request. Please feel free to contact Us.

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